Authored by Legendary Faculty
of Conceptual Orthopedics
About the Book
– Established, Current & Emerging Concepts of Spine book delves into the realm of spinal disorders, highlighting common non-traumatic conditions such as back pain that draw patients to General Orthopedic Services.
– It underscores the increasing demand for Orthopedic care, particularly among seniors grappling with back issues alongside multiple comorbidities.
– The spine is crucial within the musculoskeletal system, with its disorders and injuries requiring meticulous assessment and planning in orthopedic care services.
– The text explores a spectrum of spinal disorders, spanning metabolic, inflammatory, neuromuscular, infective, neoplastic, and degenerative conditions, emphasizing the necessity of deep-rooted patho-anatomical understanding despite advanced imaging capabilities.
Within these pages, emphasis is placed on non-operative approaches for most spinal disorder cases, advocating for physiotherapy, protective braces, and tailored medication strategies.
– The book outlines absolute indications for surgical interventions in spinal disorders, including scenarios of pathology uncertainty, neural deterioration, vertebral deformities, mechanical instability, infections, and neoplastic involvement.
– Operative strategies are detailed, focusing on tissue removal, debridement, and decompression with the least interference to preserve mobility, stability, and functionality.
– Readers will find insights into common orthopedic spinal procedures such as laminectomies, spinoplasties, laminoplasties, decompression techniques, partial corpectomies, and various spinal fusion methods.
– The narrative also explores the utilization of metal implants to reduce post-operative recumbency and the overarching goal of restoring mobility, stability, and functionality in spinal care, akin to the principles seen in arthroplasty for hip and knee conditions.
– This comprehensive spine book aims to illuminate the intricacies of orthopedic care in spinal disorders, advocating for the restoration and maintenance of vertebral column mobility, stability, and functionality.
key benefits of the book -
1. Understanding Foundational Concepts
– Establish a solid grasp of foundational concepts before tackling intricate texts.
– Get acquainted with anatomical structures, spinal biomechanics, common pathologies, and treatment modalities outlined in this book.
– Brush up on basic radiology principles to interpret imaging studies accurately, crucial for diagnosing and strategizing treatment for spinal disorders.
– Designed to offer comprehensive core reading material and serve as a handy revision aid during examinations.
2. Define Clear Goals
– Define precise objectives for your reading sessions to enhance focus and productivity.
– Divide larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks for better comprehension and progress.
– Set specific time limits, like reading a chapter in approximately 30 minutes.
– Practice replicating simplified diagrams swiftly, aiming for around 2 minutes per diagram.
– Benefit from the point-wise writing style of this book for easy scanning and precise attention to detail.
3. Active Reading Techniques
– Avoid passive reading; engage actively with the text for better understanding.
– Use highlighters and sticky notes to annotate crucial points, questions, or topics needing deeper exploration.
– Implement the SQ3R method: Scan, Question, Read, Recite, Review for effective study habits.
– Skim through chapters for an overview, read attentively, mark key information, and periodically review to enhance retention and learning.
4. Clinical Scenario Application
– Connect theoretical knowledge to practical clinical scenarios from rotations or patient encounters.
– Utilize videos on our app to delve into specific topics with a deeper conceptual understanding.
5. Lifelong Learning Approach
– View reading as an ongoing learning journey, not a one-time activity.
– Regularly update your knowledge to keep up with emerging technologies, evolving treatment methods, and evidence-based practices.
– Embrace the fact that expertise is achieved through continuous dedication, curiosity, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.
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Please Note :
Starting 5th November 2024, courier charges will be added for Conceptual Orthopedics (set of 9 books, Rs. 2395/-).